My Conversation With The Author Who Beat Me To My Great Idea ... And Why His Books Are Must-Reads
To indulge my longstanding interest in sports trading card collecting, for a couple of years I hosted a Sports Card Traders Special...

20 Years Of Living In This Living Museum, And I'm Still Not Bored
I was 15 years old when my parents first brought us kids to experience the magic of Colonial Williamsburg, America's largest living...

The Fastest 50 Years
Five Decades Seem Like Five Seconds When You Attend Your 50th Year High School Reunion An internet search for quotes about high school...

Is The Final Adios On The Horizon?
It has sat just a few feet south of the state line separating North Carolina and South Carolina since 1949: a garish, kitschy, tacky,...

Sun Sets On "The Best Troop Under The Sun"
My Beloved Boy Scout Troop is Latest to Fall Victim To Changing Youth Tastes, Conflicting Values Systems "381! 381! The best troop under...

Return To Childhood: Portrait On 2½ x 3½ Inch Cardboard
I first saw them on the back of a box of cereal my mom had brought home with the other groceries. Each kind of Post cereal had six...