Mar 23
She Made A Difference For This One
Dr. Gary Mathews, the superintendent of the Williamsburg/James City County School Division where I worked as its lead communications...
Jan 26
Smothers & Schickele: We Lose Two Vastly Different Comic Geniuses Within Weeks Of Each Other
Long before the movie "Mighty Wind," which skewered the entire genre of '60s era folk music and the many overly serious documentaries...
May 27, 2023
Fortune Cookies Making A Statement
Has anyone except me noticed that fortune cookies are quickly becoming relics? Lest you misunderstand, the folded wafer that always comes...
Jan 20, 2023
Professional Spellers Sought
Sign in industrial park area of Newport News, VA. One hopes that the various merchants and companies who have storefronts at Canon Place...
Dec 2, 2022
The Centenary Of A Quiet Television Pioneer
The 100th anniversary of the birth of an Emmy Award-winning television pioneer occurred yesterday, Dec. 1. The occasion was noted by a...
Feb 11, 2022
That Annoying Cheerfulness Some People Exhibit Has A Name
I came across a term used on a local NPR program today that I hadn't heard before, and thought was interesting. It describes those folks...