Oct 7, 2022
Repetitive Redundancies Dept. -- #1
Ah yes, the unnecessary modifier. Writing instructors and journalists have railed for millennia against those words that sound...

Oct 2, 2022
Nothing Rotten: Our Danish Exchange Student's Family Shares Their Denmark With Us
When my wife Beckie and I became empty nesters, we thought we were done with the exchange student experience. But in the summer of 2019,...

Jun 27, 2022
Alopecia Leads Extraordinary Woman To Find Her Inner - and Outer - Beauty
Hannah Horstmyer was 13 when she first started noticing large clumps of hair left behind in her hairbrush after a swim practice. It kept...

Feb 14, 2022
Return To Childhood: Portrait On 2½ x 3½ Inch Cardboard
I first saw them on the back of a box of cereal my mom had brought home with the other groceries. Each kind of Post cereal had six...

Feb 11, 2022
A Modern Folkie Tale
I was maybe six years old when my parents put on a record, probably not the first time, of an album entitled "The Weavers at Carnegie...
Feb 11, 2022
That Annoying Cheerfulness Some People Exhibit Has A Name
I came across a term used on a local NPR program today that I hadn't heard before, and thought was interesting. It describes those folks...